
Define Your Emotions

Have you learnt to own your emotions? You have to define your emotions correctly to own them. Read on to find out more.

by Chinyere Nwosu

February 7, 2021


Emotions are a part of our being as humans. Science describes them as biological and psychological. Solomon, R. C. in his work ‘Emotions’ published in Britannica, describes emotions as “a complex experience of consciousness, bodily sensation, and behaviour that reflects the personal significance of a thing, an event, or a state of affairs”. Going by this definition, we can infer that our emotions make up a part of who we are. Emotions are the expressions of how we see things, how we interpret things, how we relate with things and events around us, and how we think about things, people, and events around us.


How are you feeling today? is a valid question to ask. How does this issue make me feel? How does this person’s presence affect me? These are some questions you should ask yourself often. Below is a list of some emotions and their definitions.

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  1. Fear – the feeling of being afraid, scared, or frightened. It is associated with scary events.
  2. Sadness – feeling unhappy. Sorrow and grief also define sadness but to a higher degree.
  3. Disgust – feeling that something is unpleasant or nasty. The word – disgust – is often associated with disapproval.
  4. Joy – feeling happy, glad, or excited. It is an expression of the emotion of happiness to a higher degree.
  5. Trust – stems from a firm belief in the truth and ability of someone or something. You feel trust when the person or thing you are dealing with is reliable.

6. Anger – feeling angry. Rage is a stronger feeling of anger.

7. Anticipation – this is the feeling you have when you are looking forward positively to something happening. It is different from anxiety, which also connotes feeling fear. Expectant is sometimes used to express anticipation; expectant is more neutral.

8. Surprise – This is what you feel when you are unprepared for something which happens to you. A surprise may leave you happy, sad, or anxious. It often comes with a range of emotions.

9. Shame – this is the feeling you have about past negative actions or thoughts. It comes with feeling embarrassed and a wish to stay away from some people or places associated with the said action.

10. Kindness – feeling of benevolence. It helps you show compassion and do good to others.


11. Calmness – not feeling excited or agitated about something.

12. Confidence – is the feeling that you can have faith or rely on something or someone. It is the feeling that gives you the ‘can do’ attitude.

13. Optimism – this is a form of confidence. It is a hopefulness about the future or successes of something.

14. Envy – this comes as a feeling of pain when you see someone else own what you wish you had. It is associated with jealousy.

15. Jealousy – is the feeling of insecurity, concern, or fear of a lack of something. It is often associated with anger, envy, inadequacy, and helplessness.

  1. Love – an intense feeling of affection for something or someone. Hatred – an intense feeling of dislike for something or someone.
  2. Guilt – a feeling that one has when he violates his standards or a universal moral standard.
  3. Pride – feeling pleasure or satisfaction due to the success achieved by self or of those closest to you.
  4. Serenity – is associated with calmness and peacefulness. It is an expression of calm and peace at a higher level.
  5. Amusement – feeling that something is funny. It is associated with having fun, cheerfulness, and laughter.
  6. Boredom – feeling unengaged. It is associated with not having anything in particular to do, lack of interest in something, or unexciting events.
  7. Awe – reverential respect with fear or wonder. This feeling is associated with the worship of God/gods. It is also related to amazing or unbelievable performances or happenings.
  8. Nostalgia – is a sentimental feeling associated with returning to past periods or home. Nostalgia is expressed as homesick since it is related to the familiar from the past.
  9. Horror – an intense feeling of fear, disgust, or shock. It is associated with abuse, scary events, or mischievous acts.
  1. Relief – feeling of reassurance following a release from distress.
  2. Confusion – is a feeling of uncertainty about what is happening or the intent of something.
  3. Awkwardness – is associated with embarrassment. Awkwardness is feeling unrelaxed in a situation.
  4. Indignation –  feeling anger due to something perceived as unfair.
  5. Satisfaction – feeling of fulfillment at achieving one’s goals. It is the fulfillment of one’s needs.


Marriam Webster Dictionary



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