Examples of Homophones

A man once said ‘English spelling and pronunciation is CRAZY’. He was right! English homophones explore how variable English spelling and pronunciation are. These variations make pronunciation hard for non-native speakers. For example, ‘one’ and

Irregular Nouns: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

You don’t know much about irregular plural nouns? That is not a problem because this article is broadly dedicated to that grammatical concept. Some nouns can change from singular to plural with the simple addition

What is a Subordinating Conjunction?

What is a subordinating conjunction? This question deserves does not only bother high school students alone, but every student of English language, whether it used as a first or second language. A subordinating conjunction is

Coordinating Conjunctions: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

This centers on coordinating conjunction examples and its application in English sentences. Kindly read further to get a detailed explanation on coordinating conjunction as a sub-word class. Coordinating conjunctions join together, two or more sentences,

What is the Plural of Moose—Moose, Meese, or Mooses?

What is the plural of moose? This question has been lurking in the minds of speakers of the English language for ages, especially non-native speakers of the language. Don’t worry, this article answers the question,

Is the Word “is” a Verb?

Lately, I have received a number of questions about the word is. Is is a verb? Is it a preposition? Is it a noun? What exactly is its function in a clause? Some words in English are so

What is an Indefinite Article? Definition & Examples

The indefinite article in English is “a” or “an.” It is used to refer to a non-specific or unspecified thing or person. “A” is used before words that start with a consonant sound, while “an”

What is Preposition?

What is a preposition? This content answers that question. A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Prepositions typically come before a noun

Which Sentence Uses Correct Parallel Structure?

Which sentence uses the correct parallel structure? Let’s find out. Without having options to choose from, it’s difficult to determine which sentence uses the correct parallel structure. However, here are a few examples of sentences