Transitive Verbs: Definition and Examples

Transitive verbs are action verbs that require a direct object to complete their meaning. A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. In a sentence with a transitive

Non-finite Verb Examples

Non-finite verbs are verbs that do not have a specific tense or subject agreement. They do not indicate time or number, and they cannot function as the main verb in a sentence. Non-finite verbs are

Finite Verb Definition and Examples

A finite verb is a verb that is inflected to agree with its subject in person, number, and tense, and which expresses a complete thought or action. In other words, it is a verb that

Is “we” a Personal Pronoun?

Is “we” a personal pronoun? Yes, “we” is a personal pronoun. Specifically, it is a first-person plural pronoun in English. It refers to a group of people that includes the speaker, such as “we are

What is a Main Clause?

The main clause definition forms the semantic import of this article. A main clause is a grammatical construction that contains a subject and a predicate and forms a complete sentence. It can stand alone as