7 Proven Strategies to Reduce Airport Anxiety

7 Proven Strategies to Reduce Airport Anxiety

7 Proven Strategies to Reduce Airport Anxiety
7 Proven Strategies to Reduce Airport Anxiety

Feeling anxious before flying is a common experience, with many individuals harbouring a fear of air travel. However, what about the nervousness that sets in even before stepping onto the aircraft? Read on for 7 proven strategies to reduce airport anxiety.

Life coach and therapist Daniel Rinaldi suggests that such pre-flight anxiety is entirely normal, especially given the challenges people face at airports in contemporary times.

Reducing Airport Anxiety

Rinaldi notes, “Airports can be vast and intricate spaces, and this can be particularly overwhelming for individuals who do not engage in frequent travel.”

Navigating the airport environment, reaching the intended destination, dealing with crowded spaces, and the entire process leading up to boarding the plane can contribute to heightened anxiety levels.

The statement emphasizes that these feelings often stem from a combination of factors, including time constraints, and the pressure of travel expectations from both fellow passengers and companions.

While it may be challenging to alter the fundamental workings of travel, there are effective strategies to alleviate anxiety associated with the travel experience.


Recognize the Validity of Your Emotions

At times, anxiety may arise without a clear, valid reason. However, when it comes to airports, the potential stressors are numerous, capable of affecting even the most composed individuals.

According to Christina Granahan, a therapist and coach, one of the most prevalent anxieties she encounters is the fear of missing a flight.

This anxiety can manifest days or weeks before arriving at the airport, and when combined with the uncertainties present in the airport environment, it can intensify the overall sense of disquiet.

Granahan emphasises that fears such as the fear of missing a flight, concerns about terrorism, encountering strangers, leaving belongings behind, and being under the scrutiny of law enforcement can trigger heightened emotions.

It’s essential to recognise that these feelings are shared experiences, and acknowledging them is the first step. Granahan suggests arriving at the airport with a well-thought-out plan to help manage and mitigate these anxieties effectively.

Allocate Extra Time for Yourself

The happenings at the airport are often beyond our control, as are various unforeseen challenges. These challenges, ranging from long queues to technical glitches, can be thrown our way.

In such circumstances, having additional time becomes invaluable. According to Rinaldi, being well-prepared is key to reducing the anxiety associated with air travel.

This involves ensuring that all necessary travel documents are in order, packing bags well in advance, and double-checking flight details.

It is important to arrive at the airport with ample time to spare. This will help in avoiding the need to rush and minimise the potential for feeling overwhelmed. For those driving to the airport, early checking of traffic conditions is advised.

It’s essential to be aware of any scheduled construction or events, such as parades, that may affect the travel route.

If opting for a taxi, car service, or ride-share, scheduling these services in advance can prevent last-minute complications. This will ensure a smoother transition through the airport experience.

Prepare Your Luggage

While certain modern luggage types come equipped with built-in scales, investing in a luggage scale, typically available for under $20, can provide an added layer of assurance.

Ensuring that your baggage adheres to the airline’s weight limit is important. It is a proactive measure to prevent any significant issues during the check-in process.

Dress Appropriately

Granahan emphasises the importance of feeling grounded in your body, as it contributes to a sense of control. “Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to avoid fidgeting or sweating.”

It’s beneficial to dress in coatings that can be easily added or removed. You should do this considering the unpredictable temperatures of both the airport and the aeroplane.

Practice Deep Breathing

For an effective calming technique, Rinaldi recommends deep breathing in the moment. “While waiting in line or sitting at the gate, take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. This can help calm your nervous system and reduce anxiety.”


Engage in Distractions

Keeping your mind occupied is essential for maintaining calmness. Find a captivating podcast or audiobook, whether it’s an intriguing true crime story or an interview with someone you find fascinating. Alternatively, listen to your favourite music.

Open Up About It

When travelling with a companion, Rinaldi suggests discussing your anxieties and concerns with them to receive emotional support. “Simply having someone to talk to and share your experiences with can be comforting.”

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  1. […] 7 Proven Strategies to Reduce Airport Anxiety […]

    February 25, 2024 at 2:40 pm

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