What are the 4 types of mental health?

Understanding Your Mind Mental health is often misunderstood but impacts all of us in one way or another. While we hear terms like “good” or “bad” mental health, the reality is much more nuanced. Keep

Lacking Motivation? It is Avolition, and Here’s How to Overcome it

Lacking Motivation? It is Avolition, This is a situation that a lot of us can identify with: feeling as though you are driven to complete tasks, but eventually your motivation wanes. You feel as though
Lacking motivation It is a volition, and here's how to overcome it

Exercising your Brain for Mental Fitness

Exercising your brain for mental fitness is very important. Our brains require lifelong care and stimulation, just as our bodies do. While physical activity tones muscles, mental challenges enhance cognitive abilities, from memory to decision-making.
Exercising your Brain for Mental Fitness

The Happiest States in the U.S., According to a Study

Do you live in one of the happiest states in the U.S.? Do you consider yourself happy? This seemingly straightforward question encompasses a multitude of factors, including the love in your life, the satisfaction derived

How to get Over a Tumbling Mental Fog

Have you ever spent hours staring at a blank document or cleaning the same spot over and over, unable to focus on important tasks? We’ve all been there—when brain fog sets in and makes even
How to get Over a Tumbling Mental Fog

How to Find a Missing Person with a Mental Illness

How to Find a Missing Person with a Mental Illness: When someone living with a mental health condition goes missing, it sparks deep concern from loved ones regarding their safety and well-being. As families strive

Can you bring books to a mental hospital?

Can you bring books to a mental hospital? Being admitted to an inpatient mental health setting can be a stressful time. Finding comforting distractions and connections is important for recovery. This post explores the role