The Boy Who Cried Wolf – A Moral Story

The Boy Who Cried Wolf – A Moral Story to to teach responsibility and the benefits of telling the truth.


The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a young boy who was given the task of herding and guarding the village’s flock of sheep from wolves. 

One day, while he was sitting and watching the sheep, he grew bored and decided to play a prank on the villagers. So, he ran toward the village settlement shouting, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is attacking the sheep!”

All the villagers ran out to see the wolf and save the boy and the sheep, but they found nothing. The boy laughed at them and went back to guarding the sheep while they grazed. 

The next day, he played the same prank again. Once again, the villagers came running but found nothing. This went on for several days at different times of the day, and the villagers grew tired of the boy’s pranks.

One day, a real wolf attacked the sheep, and when the boy cried out for help calling the villagers to their rescue, nobody believed him. They all thought it was just another one of his pranks. The wolf killed many sheep, and the boy barely escaped. This made him realize the consequences of his actions.


Moral of the story 

  •  Lying can have serious consequences. It erodes trust and credibility. Be truthful and honest in our actions and words.
  • Avoid the temptation of lying for amusement or other reasons. It may cost you dearly later.
  • Do not joke with the responsibilities assigned to you. 



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