How to Write a Skit: Step-by-Step Guide

So, you perceive you’re funny? Do you want to take that humor out into the world through skits (also known as content)? The truth is, you’ve never written one before.

Well, it’s a nice thing we have put up an easy step-by-step guide for you on how to make a skit

Before we go into the steps, let’s discuss what a skit is all about. A skit is a brief play or performance. Skits are quick little scenes that are usually funny. Skits are also sometimes known as sketches.

Meaning of Skit

To make a skit, begin by thinking of ideas that make you laugh. Write out your scene, rehearse, and finally put it on for an audience or record it.

Meaning of Skit

A skit is a brief parody where performers mock different aspects of life, whether that be a person, situation, or an existing piece of literature, film, or television. They are often satirical in their writing and presentation.

Coming up with the ideas for your skit will be the easy part but shaping those ideas into jokes and comical references that will make people laugh is the hardest part.

Be prepared to do more writing and rewriting. But always remind yourself that comedy is subjective; you can never please everyone.

Steps on How to Write Skits

Here are the steps that you need to take to write good skits. Whether you are a skit maker or someone who wishes to write and sell as a ghostwriter, these are the steps you should take:

Step 1: Develop Your Idea

Ideas for skits emanate from anywhere. We recommend having a notebook to hand so you can write down inspiration when you’re out and about. Alternatively, you could use the Notes app on your gadget.

Could you take a moral or a message from a pre-existing tale and flip it on its head? Or put a comical twist on one of your favorite stories and the message it gives to its audience?

Fairy tales can suit this, as the characters are already dynamic and exaggerated. Of course, this doesn’t just apply to books, but to television and film as well.

Or maybe a news story has aroused your interest that you’d like to put a comedic spin on? Think of a situation in reality you’ve experienced or have been told about, even if it seems mundane. It doesn’t need to necessarily be hilarious at this point, so don’t go out of your way to think of a funny idea straight away.

Whatever it is, make sure it’s an idea you can develop. If a situation sticks out to you that you’d like to write a skit about, consider what was it about that situation that has made you remember it.

Again, it doesn’t need to be funny at this juncture, instead sparking annoyance or anger, even.

Step 2: Assign Your Characters

Within your skit, you’ll need at least two opposing points of view, so you can add humor to both sides.

The protagonist will usually have the absurd view, who will most likely provide the first laughter of the skit. They will stop the flow of the situation, offering obstacles along the way.

It is useful to recollect why the protagonist is trying to disrupt things. It isn’t always essential but can give you an added edge.

You’ll also need a ‘foil’ who has a different point of view. Their role in the skit is to assist the protagonist, setting them up for a laugh and heightening their absurdity.

For instance, in the Saturday Night Live sketch, Italian Restaurant, our protagonists are the couple who are outraged to find out that the food they’ve been served came from Pizza Hut, and not from the restaurant itself.

The foil in this instance is the waiter, who feeds the couple’s anger as it rises throughout the skit. He’s assisted by the two other couples in the restaurant, who laugh at the fact they’ve been successfully fooled.

Of course, you can have more than two characters, but there must always be two different points of view.

Step 3: Structure the Skit

So, how does one make a skit funny? There is a traditional structure to writing skits that are good to follow if you’re just starting as well as for seasoned skit writers.

1. Set-Up

Start your skit by establishing WHERE you are, WHO your characters are, WHAT is happening, and WHY.

Remember, skits are supposed to be short, so don’t get bogged down with offering too much detail here. Tell the audience what they have to know and move on. You don’t necessarily have to get good reactions at this early stage.

2. Reveal

The big moment within your skit. Within your skit, you’re setting out a metaphorical ‘game’ for your characters to play, so make sure you set it off with a bang.

This will also divulge the central comic idea for your content.

3. Escalation

This is the major body of your skit, where the characters play the ‘game’ and try to solve the problem in front of them.

Again, this is where the characters’ opposing opinions will come to the fore.

4. Pay-Off

It’s time to play your last card. Shock the audience with a twist in conclusion they were not expecting.

5. Cracking the Ending

Funnily enough, the conclusion of skits is what writers will find most difficult. Just how do you create an unexpected conclusion that will hopefully get the biggest laugh of the whole couple of minutes the skit is playing out?

Step 5 – Write Your Skit

Once you have outlined your whole skit using this structure, it’s time to resume writing. We recommend composing the action out first, before moving on to the dialogue. Get a sense of where your characters are in the scene, and work on the potential physical comedy first.

Then conclude with dialogue.

Finally, rewrite and hone your script until it’s okay. Try it out on your friends and family to see their reactions.

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