What is Collocation and Examples?

Collocation is a group of two or more words that are often used together. They have a natural and predictable relationship, and they sound correct to native speakers.


For example, the collocation “make a cake” is more natural than “create a cake” or “do a cake.”

Here are some other examples of collocations:

Adjective + noun: hard frost, sweet tooth, long time

Noun + noun: piece of cake, house of cards, heart of gold

Noun + verb: take a shower, make a mistake, get up early

Verb + noun: find a job, give a gift, make a decision

Adverb + adjective: very happy, extremely cold, quite late

Verb + prepositional phrase: look up to someone, get along with someone, put up with something

Collocations are an important part of English grammar, and they can help you to sound more natural and fluent. When you are learning English, it is important to pay attention to collocations and to learn the most common ones.

Here are some tips for learning collocations:

1. Pay attention to the collocations that you hear native speakers use.

2. Look up collocations in a dictionary or online.

3. Use collocations in your own writing and speaking.

4. Listen to English podcasts and audiobooks to hear collocations in context.

5. With a little practice, you will be able to use collocations like a native speaker!

What are the 10 Examples of Collocation?

What are the 10 Examples of Collocation?

Collocation refers to the natural combination of words that frequently appear together in a language. Here are 10 examples of collocations:

1. Strong coffee

2. Heavy rain

3. Break the ice

4. Make a decision

5. Lost in thought

6. Fast food

7. Catch a cold

8. High heels

9. Bitter cold

10. Burst into laughter

These combinations of words have become fixed expressions in English due to their common usage, and native speakers tend to use them without giving much thought to their individual components.

Collocations play a crucial role in natural language production and understanding.

What are the 7 Types of Collocation and Examples?

There are various types of collocations, but the most common classification includes seven types:

1. Adjective + Noun Collocation

Examples: “heavy rain,” “bright future,” “cold shoulder.”

2. Noun + Noun Collocation (Compound Nouns)

Examples: “coffee table,” “toothbrush,” “traffic jam.”

3. Verb + Noun Collocation

Examples: “make a decision,” “take a shower,” “give advice.”

4. Noun + Verb Collocation

Examples: “bread and butter,” “time flies,” “blood boils.”

5. Verb + Adverb Collocation

Examples: “run quickly,” “speak softly,” “eat slowly.”

6. Adverb + Adjective Collocation

Examples: “completely wrong,” “extremely happy,” “highly unlikely.”

7. Verb + Preposition Colocation

Examples: “look after,” “take care of,” “listen to.”

Keep in mind that these examples can vary depending on the context and language used. Collocations are important for language learners as they improve fluency and help in sounding more natural and native-like.

What are Collocations in Grammar?

Collocations in grammar refer to the natural and frequent associations of words that often occur together in a language.

These word combinations are more than just random pairings; they are considered highly typical and standard expressions used by native speakers.

Collocations are an essential aspect of language usage and play a crucial role in how languages convey meaning effectively.

Collocations can involve various parts of speech, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, combining with other words to form meaningful and idiomatic phrases.

They are an important aspect of fluency and language proficiency, as using appropriate collocations can make your speech and writing sound more natural and authentic.

For example, some common collocations include:

“strong coffee” (adjective + noun)
“make a decision” (verb + noun)
“fast asleep” (adverb + adjective)
“catch a glimpse” (verb + noun)

Using incorrect or unnatural collocations can lead to confusion or misunderstanding, even if the individual words are grammatically correct.

Therefore, it’s essential to learn and practice collocations to improve your overall language skills and communicate more effectively.

Native speakers often acquire collocations through exposure to the language and extensive usage, while learners may need to actively study and practice them to become proficient.

How Do You Teach Collocations?

Teaching collocations can be an essential part of language learning, as they help learners produce more natural and fluent-sounding speech.

Collocations are word combinations that frequently appear together in a language. Here are some effective strategies to teach collocations:

1. Identify and Introduce Collocations

Begin by identifying common collocations relevant to the learners’ proficiency level.

Introduce these collocations along with their meanings, usages, and the specific contexts in which they are appropriate.

2. Contextualized Examples

Provide contextualized examples of the collocations in sentences or short texts. This helps learners understand how collocations are used in real-life situations.

3. Visual Aids

Incorporate visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, or mind maps to reinforce the meaning and usage of collocations. This helps learners connect the words and remember them more effectively.

4. Chunking

Encourage learners to learn collocations as chunks of language rather than individual words. By memorizing them as fixed phrases, learners are more likely to use them correctly in their speech.

5. Frequency Lists

Share lists of common collocations in the target language. This helps learners prioritize which collocations to focus on first and which ones are more likely to occur in everyday communication.

6. Interactive Activities

Engage learners in interactive activities that encourage the use of collocations. These could include role-plays, communicative games, or pair/group discussions.

7. Collocation Dictionaries

Introduce learners to collocation dictionaries or online resources that can help them explore various collocations and their meanings. Encourage learners to use these tools to expand their vocabulary.

8. Contrasting Collocations

Highlight collocations with similar meanings but subtle differences. By contrasting these, learners can understand when to use one over the other.

9. Error Correction

When learners make mistakes in using collocations, provide constructive feedback and encourage them to use the correct collocations in the context.

10. Writing Tasks

Incorporate writing tasks that require the use of collocations. This encourages learners to practice using the newly learned collocations in their own writing.

11. Listening and Speaking Practice

Utilize listening exercises and speaking activities to reinforce the use of collocations in different contexts. This helps learners become more comfortable and proficient in their application.

12. Progressive Learning

Start with basic collocations and gradually introduce more complex ones as learners’ language skills improve.

Remember that consistent practice and exposure to collocations in different contexts are crucial for learners to internalize and effectively use them in their language production.

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