Award Show Ratings

After the covid 19 pandemic hit the world in 2020, award show ratings went down to the lowest ever recorded. Most award shows have been having fewer viewers, which means less income as well. After the covid

A Child’s Biography

A Child’s Biography by Henry David Thoreau.   A Child’s Biography Concord, Massachusetts, is one of the New England towns that everybody likes to visit. When tourists reach Boston they usually make a point of

The Inward Morning

The Inward Morning by Henry David Thoreau Packed in my mind lie all the clothes ⁠Which outward nature wears, And in its fashion's hourly change ⁠It all things else repairs. In vain I look for

The Fisher’s Boy

The Fisher's Boy by Henry David Thoreau My life is like a stroll upon the beach, ⁠As near the ocean's edge as I can go; My tardy steps its waves sometimes o'erreach, ⁠Sometimes I stay