Your Personality’s Effect on Your Health

Your health is controlled by your body, genes and mind and your personality plays a role in how long you stay alive and how healthy you are. Keep reading to know about your Your Personality’s Effect on Your Health.

Your Personality’s Effect on Your Health

While research indicates that personality type clearly plays a role in health and well-being, certain ailments are more likely to be influenced by psychological characteristics. So why does your personality affect your health?

Your Personality’s Effect on Your Mental Health

Apart from your personality affecting your entire being and health, it also has large control over behaviours and habits. From the get-go, how you deal with stress, your activity level and how well you socialize are largely affected by your personality.

According to research, some traits like being imaginative and conscientious during your childhood can impact your health as you grow into an adult later.

Children who have these traits are likely to be more educated, practise healthy living and eating habits and live longer.

Below are some personality traits that may affect your health:

Type A or Type B

People who are type A tend to be motivated, diligent, and results-oriented. This drive for success can help them succeed personally and professionally, but it can also lead to stress or social isolation, which is risky because it can cause heart disease.

People with type B personalities are typically more relaxed and motivated by fun rather than achievement. They are skilled at handling stress and anxiety, which can improve heart health. However, being so at ease could also result in a less proactive approach to work or your health.




Pessimists like to blame themselves for their shortcomings, they believe things will always be bad or get worse, and this belief creates stress.

Research has shown that pessimistic people are more prone to developing high blood pressure and heart disease and may not live as long as those who aren’t pessimistic.


They would always give themselves credit for their accomplishments and tend to believe that good thing will last. Optimists frequently handle illnesses better, striving to find amusement in challenging circumstances.

Optimism can improve health and increase life span by reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks.

However, being too optimistic can make someone unprepared for difficult circumstances and less able to objectively weigh risks and benefits.


Social support plays a huge role in improving healthy behaviours and coping skills. Introverts are people who are typically quiet and introspective.

They often find it difficult to seek medical help or therapy when they need it, especially when it has to do with their mental health.

However, because introverts love to examine their thoughts, they are often more self-aware and satisfied.


Though unsure, scientists think that the bodies of extroverts are likely to react quickly to inflammation and that it helps fight and prevent infection. This means that extroverts do have more vital immune systems.

According to another idea, extroverts are more likely to subject themselves to challenging situations, which causes their immune systems to work harder to keep their bodies safe. Additionally, extroverts may be more inclined to seek medical attention when necessary.


Narcissists believe the world revolves around them. They admire themselves a lot, take advantage of people, and often think that they must be treated specially. However, these persons are likely to develop health issues such as heart issues.

Research shows that this may be a result of high levels of the stress-related chemical cortisol in their systems.


People who are conscientious, or who do things properly, thoroughly, and in general, live longer, tend to eat healthy, exercise, and use drugs less frequently. Health is improved by conscientious people because they are successful, dependable, and more likely to be in long-lasting relationships.

However, conscientious people could be more prone to sickness than others. Although scientists are unsure of the reason, some believe that children with weakened immune systems may unconsciously develop a more cautious disposition to protect themselves. This personality trait can last until adulthood.




Impulsive people frequently make decisions without thinking through the repercussions. Unhealthy behaviours like substance abuse or compulsive actions like gambling may result from this.

Impulsive people are also prone to spontaneity, creativity, boldness, and fearlessness. Successful, impulsive people develop the ability to distinguish between good and bad impulses and suppress the bad ones.


Although the word “resilience” may be unfamiliar to some, the medical profession has long recognised its importance.

Being resilient means being able to bounce back quickly from stress, trauma, or hardship.

Curious, friendly, and cooperative traits are also frequently found in resilient people. People who are resilient are more inclined to exercise, maintain relationships with others and the outside world, and enjoy brain exercises, which help them stay cognitively sharp.

Some people are naturally resilient, while others pick up the trait from their parents or other responsible adults. The good news is that you can always learn to be more resilient.


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