How to Write Dates in English: Formats and Rules

How to write the date is another problem among learners and speakers of the English Language. In this article, we will bring you the correct formats and rules for writing dates.

how to write the date

Going by international standards, we are told to write the date as year, then month, then the day: YYYY-MM-DD.

So if both Australians and Americans make use of this, they would both write the date as 2023-04-25. Writing the date this way avoids confusion by putting the year first.

The Date Format in British English

In British English, the standard format for writing the date is day of the month followed by the name of the month and the year. For example, if today were April 25th, 2023, you would write it as:

25 April 2023

In some cases, a suffix may be added to the numerical day to indicate the ordinal number, such as “1st,” “2nd,” “3rd,” “4th,” etc. For example, January 1st, 2024 would be written as:

1st January 2024

It’s important to note that in formal writing, such as in business or academic contexts, the use of the ordinal number is often preferred over just writing the numerical day to avoid any ambiguity or confusion.

How to Write the Date in Numbers?

In English, there are two commonly used numerical formats for writing the date:

  1. The American format: month/day/year. For example, April 25th, 2023 would be written as 4/25/2023.
  2. The European format: day/month/year. For example, the same date would be written as 25/4/2023.

When writing the date numerically, it’s important to use the correct format for your audience and to ensure that there is no confusion about which number represents the month and which represents the day.

In addition, it’s recommended to include the year in four digits to avoid any potential ambiguity.

The Date Format in American English

In American English, the standard format for writing the date numerically is to write the numerical month, followed by the numerical day, and then the year. For example, if today were April 25th, 2023, you would write it as:


It’s important to note that the American format is different from the European format, which uses the day/month/year order.

When writing the date numerically, it’s important to use the correct format for your audience and to ensure that there is no confusion about which number represents the month and which represents the day.

Additionally, it’s recommended to include the year in four digits to avoid any potential ambiguity.

How to Write the Date in Numbers?

To write the date in numbers in American English, follow the format of month/day/year. For example, if today is April 25th, 2023, you would write it as 4/25/2023.

It’s important to note that in the United States, the month is usually written first, unlike in some other countries where the day is written first.

Also, it’s recommended to include the year in four digits to avoid any confusion, especially if the date might be read internationally.

If the day or month is a single-digit number, it’s common to precede it with a zero. For example, January 1st, 2023 would be written as 01/01/2023.

Using the Correct Date Format for IELTS

In the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam, the standard date format is day/month/year. This is the format used in British English, which is the language variety of the IELTS exam.

For example, if the date is April 25th, 2023, it should be written as 25/04/2023. It’s important to use the correct format, as incorrect date formatting can result in losing marks in the exam.

In addition, it’s recommended to write the year in four digits to avoid any confusion. If the day or month is a single-digit number, it’s common to precede it with a zero. For example, January 1st, 2023 would be written as 01/01/2023 in the IELTS exam.

The Correct Date Format for IELTS Writing

In the IELTS Writing exam, it’s important to use the correct date format, which is day/month/year. This format is used in British English, which is the language variety of the IELTS exam.

For example, if the date is April 25th, 2023, it should be written as 25/04/2023. It’s important to use the correct format as incorrect date formatting can result in losing marks in the exam.

In addition, it’s recommended to write the year in four digits to avoid any confusion. If the day or month is a single-digit number, it’s common to precede it with a zero. For example, January 1st, 2023, would be written as 01/01/2023 in the IELTS Writing exam.

The Correct Date Format for IELTS Listening

In the IELTS Listening exam, the date format is usually provided in the instructions or in the questions. If the date format is not specified, you should follow the standard IELTS format of day/month/year.

For example, if the date is April 25th, 2023, it should be written as 25/04/2023. It’s important to use the correct format as incorrect date formatting can lead to losing marks in the exam.

In addition, it’s recommended to write the year in four digits to avoid any confusion. If the day or month is a single-digit number, it’s common to precede it with a zero.

The Correct Date Format for IELTS Speaking

In the IELTS Speaking exam, the date format is not as important as in the Writing exam. However, it’s still recommended to use the standard IELTS format of day/month/year for consistency.

For example, if the date is April 25th, 2023, you could say “the 25th of April, 2023” or simply “April 25th, 2023”. It’s important to be clear and articulate when speaking the date to ensure that the examiner understands it correctly.

In addition, if you’re referring to a specific event or occasion, it’s helpful to provide more context and details about the date, such as the day of the week, time of day, or location, to add depth and richness to your speaking response.

Writing the date correctly is important for clear communication in both written and spoken language. The format of the date can vary depending on the region and context, but it’s important to be consistent and use the appropriate format for the audience.

Comments (1)

  1. Your post was not only informative but also beautifully written. A pleasure to read!

    March 29, 2024 at 10:55 am

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