Dissociative Identity Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, and Causes

Do you sometimes feel like you have two personalities? If so, then you could be experiencing dissociative identity disorder, Keep reading this article as I explore the signs, symptoms, and causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

If you feel a sense of being detached from yourself and your emotions or that the people and things around you are distorted and unreal, you could be suffering from DID.

What is Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental illness that affects many people. “DID” patients have two or more distinct identities. At certain times, these personalities are in charge of their actions. Every identity has a unique personal history, character traits, and preferences.

Multiple personality disorder or split personality disorder were previous names for Dissociative Identity Disorder.

One of many dissociative illnesses is DID. These conditions hinder a person’s ability to relate to reality. These are some further dissociative disorders:

Depersonalization disorder or derealization disorder makes you feel detached from your behaviour.

Dissociative Amnesia, or having trouble remembering things about oneself.

Signs and Symptoms of DID

A DID patient has two or more unique identities. The person’s typical personality makes up their “core” identity. The person’s alternative selves are their “Alters.” Some DID patients have as many as 100 alters.

Alters frequently differ greatly from one another. The identities may differ in terms of gender, ethnicity, interests, and interactions with their surroundings.

Other signs and symptoms may include:

Anxiety, delusions, depression, disorientation, abuse of alcohol or drugs, memory decline and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.


 Causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

This disorder is a serious kind of mental procedure which causes a lack of connection in how a person thinks, feels, acts and how they identify themselves.

DID is usually the result of sexual or physical abuse during childhood. Sometimes it develops in response to a natural disaster or other traumatic events like combat. The disorder is a way for someone to distance or detach themselves from trauma.

This disorder often comes from many factors, such as trauma from sexual or physical abuse as a child. It could generate from other traumatic experiences like natural disasters and combat.

However, the disorder makes a person steer clear of situations that are violent or painful.

By detaching themselves from the trauma, they can stay in touch with themselves consciously.

How can Dissociative Identity Disorder be treated?

Depression and anxiety are two DID symptoms that some medications might help with. But psychotherapy is the most successful kind of treatment.

You can be directed to the appropriate treatment by a medical professional with training in mental health conditions, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Also, individual, group or family therapy may be helpful to you.

Therapy focuses on:

Recognising and healing from prior abuse or trauma; managing unexpected changes in behaviour; and creating a new identity by combining many identities.

Can Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) be Prevented?

DID cannot be prevented. However, noticing the signs early and finding a solution can help you manage the symptoms. It is advisable that parents and teachers watch out for the signs in children. If a child is abused, immediate treatment is recommended to prevent DID from becoming full-blown.

Finding the causes of personality or identity changes might also be facilitated by treatment. Stress or substance addiction are frequent triggers. Managing your stress and abstaining from drugs and alcohol may help you experience behavioural changes less frequently.


Is it Possible to Live Easier with DID?

Living with DID can be easier to handle if you have a solid support network. Ensure that your family, friends, and medical professionals are aware of and sympathetic to your illness. Be honest and upfront with the people in your support system, and don’t be embarrassed to ask for assistance.

How can I Assist if a Friend or Member of My Family has DID?

It can be perplexing and difficult to care for a loved one who has DID. You might not be sure how to react to their various actions or alters. You could assist by finding out about DID’s symptoms.

Offer to accompany your loved one to family therapy sessions or support groups.

By keeping your cool and being encouraging when rapid behavioural changes happen.

How Soon After DID should I call My doctor?

Seek immediate medical assistance if you or someone you know displays any of the following signs and has DID:

Self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and violent conduct.

In conclusion, DID can make taking care of oneself more difficult. You can discover that certain aspects of your identity have various requirements. Depending on whatever aspect of your identity are in charge of, you might need to try multiple coping mechanisms and self-care practices. You can try something else or return to it later if something isn’t working for you right now or doesn’t feel possible.

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