Comma Before or After But: Rules & Examples

The placement of a comma in relation to the word “but” depends on its usage in the sentence. Generally, if “but” is used as a coordinating conjunction to connect two independent clauses, a comma is

Conjunctive Adverbs: Meaning, Definition and Examples

A conjunctive adverb is a class of words that is an adverb by design but has the characteristic of conjunction. It can be used to join different clauses or sentences, to show cause and effect,

What is a Subordinating Conjunction?

What is a subordinating conjunction? This question deserves does not only bother high school students alone, but every student of English language, whether it used as a first or second language. A subordinating conjunction is

Coordinating Conjunctions: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

This centers on coordinating conjunction examples and its application in English sentences. Kindly read further to get a detailed explanation on coordinating conjunction as a sub-word class. Coordinating conjunctions join together, two or more sentences,

What is a Main Clause?

The main clause definition forms the semantic import of this article. A main clause is a grammatical construction that contains a subject and a predicate and forms a complete sentence. It can stand alone as

Can a Mentally Disabled Person Inherit Property?

At its foundation, U.S. law establishes that an individual’s mental capacity alone does not diminish their entitlement to inherit from loved ones who pass. Can a mentally disabled person inherit property? Understanding Rights and Planning