5 Self-Care Routines for Improving Your Mental Health

Many people believe that taking time for self-care is selfish, rather than a necessary component of mental health. Another common misunderstanding is that you don’t have the time or resources to practice self-care. In this article, you will get to learn 5 self-care routines that can improve your mental health.

5 Self-Care Routines

Why Practise Self-Care?

You might envision self-care as going to an expensive spa or a beach vacation, but it’s important to remember that self-care can take many different forms.

For example, taking a short break from the computer, doing some basic stretches, going to bed at a reasonable hour, having a healthy snack during the day, or engaging in a hobby that brings you joy can all be part of self-care.

It’s also important to recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed and to ask for help if you need it. By starting with small steps, you can gradually incorporate self-care into even the busiest of schedules.

Below are 5 self-care routines that can improve your mental health

1. Let go of Negative Self-Talk

It’s important to be aware that as you go through your daily routine, there’s a voice inside your head that critiques how you’re doing. Sometimes that voice can be reasonable, but negative self-talk can become destructive to your mental health when it’s not.

Self-deprecating thoughts can harm your confidence and happiness and keep you from reaching your goals. So how can you stop this from happening? First, take notice when you begin to talk badly about yourself.

If you constantly think in terms of “always” or “never” like, “You always mess up your relationships” or “You’ll never get a job,” then you’ll be stuck in that mindset.

Instead, replace those damaging thoughts with positive ones like, “You’re learning from your relationships” and “You’re a worthy candidate.” With time, you’ll be able to control those negative comments better and speak to yourself with kindness.


2. Take Care of your Body

To maintain a strong and healthy body and mind, it’s important to prioritize regular exercise. Numerous studies have shown that exercise can help to improve focus, reduce stress, and lower the risk of cognitive decline as we age.

If you’re unsure where to start, don’t worry – there are many resources available to help you gradually incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.

Online fitness blogs, as well as social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, offer a wealth of free tips and workout videos that can help you to develop a sustainable fitness routine.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced exerciser, these resources can provide guidance and inspiration to keep you motivated and on track.

In addition to exercise, it’s also important to prioritize nutritious eating, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. These practices help to fuel your body for the day ahead and give you the energy you need to work out effectively.

Don’t put off taking care of your body – by making small but consistent changes to your daily routine, you can reap the many benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.

3. Take a Walk Sometimes

Taking time to spend in nature, whether it’s a short walk around your neighbourhood or a more challenging hike, can have significant benefits for your mental health.

This easy and accessible form of self-care can help to clear your mind and keep you feeling grounded, while also boosting your memory, attention span, and sense of connection to the world around you.

The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try to make time to go for a walk in a local park or natural setting. Even if you’re unable to venture far from home, simply spending time outside in your backyard or on a balcony can make a difference.

By incorporating these simple activities into your daily routine, you can take important steps towards improving your mental health and overall well-being.

4. Take a Break from Screens

As you go about your day, it’s hard to avoid using electronic devices. They help you with work, school, communication, and entertainment. However, studies have shown that too much screen time can contribute to feelings of depression.

Spending too much time watching shows, gaming, and scrolling through social media can make you feel isolated, inactive, and disconnected from reality. Social media platforms can also worsen feelings of loneliness and self-doubt.

To improve your mental health, it’s important to take breaks from the digital world and connect with the real one. Try setting aside some time each day to put down your device and engage in activities that don’t involve screens. This can help you feel more present and connected to the world around you.

5. Find a Hobby

For people with hectic schedules, it may seem counterintuitive to take on a new hobby, but they are the ones who need it the most. Studies have shown that overworking can lead to fatigue, apathy, memory problems, and sleep deprivation.

So, it is crucial to prioritize self-care by setting aside time to discover passions and indulge in hobbies. Engaging in activities such as drawing, hiking, gardening, cooking, or exploring art galleries can bring immense joy and help reduce stress levels.

It is essential to remember that enjoying hobbies can help individuals feel refreshed and re-energized, and it is possible to be successful in professional or academic life while still pursuing blissful activities.



Ignoring your emotions won’t make them disappear. Suppressing your feelings can cause irritability, affect your communication abilities, and even damage relationships. So, if you’re experiencing sadness, nervousness, anger, or loneliness, it’s critical not to overlook your emotions.

Instead, try to identify the root cause of the problem by asking yourself questions such as, “What is making me upset? Can I do something about it?” Just as you wouldn’t ignore a fever and would take steps to address the problem, you should do the same for your mental health.

As Fruman puts it, “Self-care is ultimately about treating yourself gently—doing things that can help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress, which in turn help improve your concentration, energy, and overall well-being.”

The key is to find activities that interest you and can bring you happiness and calmness, not just during stressful times, but every day. Don’t feel like self-care requires more time than you have; take as much time as you need. By prioritizing self-care, you are investing in your mental health and well-being.

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